God’s Redemption Plan Through Families

Family Board Game

God’s Redemption Plan Through Families

Family Board Game - Overview

Join Dr. Muthoni Omukhango as she develops a family game journeying through the Bible and learn how God uses families for His redemption plan. Through this game, players will not only have fun, but also deepen their understanding of stories and teachings from Biblical characters. Founded on her Doctorate thesis, Significance of the Family Unit in the Administration of God’s Redemption Plan, Dr. Omukhango ensures that this family game will be both educational and engaging, creating a unique and impactful experience for players of all ages. 

God’s Redemption Plan through Families Board Game has five levels.

Game Levels

Level 1 introduces players to the patriarchs of the Bible, including Adam, Enoch, and Noah. As players progress through this level, they will learn about the importance of these characters in God’s redemption plan and how their families played a crucial role in God’s larger redemption narrative and in shaping history. By exploring their stories and teachings, players will gain a deeper understanding of God’s faithfulness and saving love for His people carried out through families throughout Biblical history.

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