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Introduction to Inferential Statistics and Data Analysis for Decision Making


This book has the following aims:
i. Introduce the reader in a sequential and simplified way to inferential statistics
ii. Illustrate using stata statistical software how different data can be analysed. One has to bear in mind that different dataset, require different analytical process and procedure.
iii. Help the reader make meaning of interpretation of data analysis outputs. Bear in mind that however expensive a research process is, unless there is proper analysis and interpretation, the recommendations that comes out of a flawed interpretation can be misguiding.

In addition, this book makes use of 3 datasets. The reader is then expected to use the dataset and follow along the numerous illustrations contained in this book. That way, it is expected that the reader will find it easier to marry the theory and practice. Download the datasets here


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What's Inside?

Prof Abraham K. Waithima holds a PhD in Economics from University of Cape Town. He is a member of faculty at Daystar University. In addition to teaching Economics, for many years he has taught Statistics and Quantitative Methods at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels. He has published several papers in peer reviewed journals, several book chapters, and a few books. He has also supervised many masters as well as PhD theses.

Prof Waithima has organized as well as facilitated in several data analysis workshops. He has managed a number of research projects and has consulted for a number of organizations including APHRC, Kenya’s Ministry of Education, and Australian Council for Education Research (ACER), TJRC/UNDP, FHI360, MESPT, Practical Action and Farm Concern International among others. Abraham has held several leadership positions including being Vice Chancellor; University of Kigali, Director; Daystar Leadership and Professional Development Institute (DLPDI), Founding Chairman; Daystar University Ethics Review Board, a member of the deacon board for CITAM, a member of Council for Daystar University, a member of the academic committee of the council for PAC University and a member of the Ethics Review Committee for The Nairobi Hospital among others. Prof Waithima is a member of the council for Starford University Juba, a member of the CED board for CITAM and the Vice Chairman, Private University Research Consortium of Kenya.


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What's Inside?

Prof Abraham K. Waithima holds a PhD in Economics from University of Cape Town. He is a member of faculty at Daystar University. In addition to teaching Economics, for many years he has taught Statistics and Quantitative Methods at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels. He has published several papers in peer reviewed journals, several book chapters, and a few books. He has also supervised many masters as well as PhD theses.

Prof Waithima has organized as well as facilitated in several data analysis workshops. He has managed a number of research projects and has consulted for a number of organizations including APHRC, Kenya’s Ministry of Education, and Australian Council for Education Research (ACER), TJRC/UNDP, FHI360, MESPT, Practical Action and Farm Concern International among others. Abraham has held several leadership positions including being Vice Chancellor; University of Kigali, Director; Daystar Leadership and Professional Development Institute (DLPDI), Founding Chairman; Daystar University Ethics Review Board, a member of the deacon board for CITAM, a member of Council for Daystar University, a member of the academic committee of the council for PAC University and a member of the Ethics Review Committee for The Nairobi Hospital among others. Prof Waithima is a member of the council for Starford University Juba, a member of the CED board for CITAM and the Vice Chairman, Private University Research Consortium of Kenya.

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