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The Journey Aganist All Odds by Humphrey M. Kanga


Humphrey Kanga is the founder and CEO of Kenya Connection Ministries

International, headquartered in Chuka, Kenya. He left his family for five

Years to attend Erskine Theological Seminary in South Carolina and attained

His Master of Divinity degree in 2006. When Humphrey returned to Kenya

And became aware of the large number of destitute children orphaned due

To the HIV/AIDS crisis, he formed a partnership with Mars Hill Presbyterian

Church in Acworth, Georgia, to find American sponsors to help improve

The lives of these children. Currently they have built three children’s homes

And sponsored hundreds of children in the countryside. The ministry built

A technical school to offer training for youth. They provide a microloan

Program for small businesses and are instrumental in acquiring medical

Humphrey works in many ways to serve his community including preaching,

Mentorship, peace and conflict resolution workshops, and motivational

Speaking. He lives with his wife, Hellen, and is blessed with two children

Abigail and Alex. Alex is following in his father’s footsteps working as a

Youth mentor and administrative assistant at the technical institute. Kenya

Connection Ministries International received the Good Samaritan Award

From the Jesus Fellowship Assembly in 2009 and was recognized as a Hero

From Barkleys Bank in 2012 for their humanitarian and charity work.


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