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God’s Word And Jesus


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What's Inside?

You’ve got a mind – use it! If you’ve got questions – ask them! But don’t fill your mind with rubbish and it is important to ask the right questions. The THINK, ASK – BIBLE! series uses the lives of Bible characters to teach important lessons. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop, delve into the Scriptures and be prompted with study questions. God’s Word and Jesus covers questions about The Gospel, The Church, The Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Prayer, Bible Reading and Worship.


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What's Inside?

You’ve got a mind – use it! If you’ve got questions – ask them! But don’t fill your mind with rubbish and it is important to ask the right questions. The THINK, ASK – BIBLE! series uses the lives of Bible characters to teach important lessons. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop, delve into the Scriptures and be prompted with study questions. God’s Word and Jesus covers questions about The Gospel, The Church, The Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Prayer, Bible Reading and Worship.

Author's Bio


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