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Man With The LION HEART by Peter Albert Indalo


To read this biography of Rev. Canon Apindi is to be challenged by his courage and selfless efforts to help his people and to preach to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He met opposition, discouragement, and was often in danger, but he refused to give up. This book goes forth with the prayer that God will use it to raise up those who will like Apindi, be prepared to venture for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter Albert Indalo was born in 1945 in Western Kenya. He was educated at Bware Primary School and Pe-Hill Secondary School. After leaving school he became a teacher at Ranen School and then joined the Ministry of Works as a clerical officer. In 1969 he heard the call of God to enter the full time ministry. He resigned his post and the following year went to St. Paul’s Theological College, Limuru, Kenya. It was while studying for his Diploma in Theology that this book was written. The manuscript won First Prize in an All-Africa competition organized by Evangelical Literature Overseas.


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