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What's Inside?

This book simpl} lays out the life and message of the man ·who claimed to be God, , ho revealed the character and person of God and gave his life as a sacrifice for the wrongdoings of humanklnd and rose again from the grave1 conquering the hold of death itsel£

Often misunderstood1 always challenging, but Jesus’ claims and the evidence about him cannot be ignored. It has been said of him that either he is·who he claims to beor heis a lunatic, or worse.

The evidence is here. The decision as to what you

make of it1 and the person it is about, is yours.

The consequence of that decision can be life–changing.


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What's Inside?

This book simpl} lays out the life and message of the man ·who claimed to be God, , ho revealed the character and person of God and gave his life as a sacrifice for the wrongdoings of humanklnd and rose again from the grave1 conquering the hold of death itsel£

Often misunderstood1 always challenging, but Jesus’ claims and the evidence about him cannot be ignored. It has been said of him that either he is·who he claims to beor heis a lunatic, or worse.

The evidence is here. The decision as to what you

make of it1 and the person it is about, is yours.

The consequence of that decision can be life–changing.

Author's Bio


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