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During the teen years, a mother-daughter relationship can be challenging. A daughter needs her mom’s support as a confidante and gentle guide—yet at the same time, she yearns for greater independence and wants to be her own person. How can a mother maintain the right balance on this high-wire tightrope walk? When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter is filled with biblical instruction and personal stories that reveal what works and doesn’t work when it comes to building the mother-daughter relationship. Every mom will find tremendous encouragement as she learns to…know what her daughter needs; take an interest in her daughter’s world; choose her battles well; encourage her daughter to dream; affirm her daughter’s womanhood; and become her daughter’s best friend. A wonderful resource for moms who want to bring delight and blessing into this most important of relationships!


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During the teen years, a mother-daughter relationship can be challenging. A daughter needs her mom’s support as a confidante and gentle guide—yet at the same time, she yearns for greater independence and wants to be her own person. How can a mother maintain the right balance on this high-wire tightrope walk? When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter is filled with biblical instruction and personal stories that reveal what works and doesn’t work when it comes to building the mother-daughter relationship. Every mom will find tremendous encouragement as she learns to…know what her daughter needs; take an interest in her daughter’s world; choose her battles well; encourage her daughter to dream; affirm her daughter’s womanhood; and become her daughter’s best friend. A wonderful resource for moms who want to bring delight and blessing into this most important of relationships!

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