Step1: Prepare Yourself to Get Published…

Is 2023 a good year to publish your book? Here is how you need to prepare.

Have your manuscript ready. If you are stuck in getting it started or finished, get:

a. A writing coach to hold you accountable in achieving your goals and meet your deadlines. There are many options online – I ‘biasedly’ do recommend James Karundu of PassionBiz Academy because I know him and his success rate. I have published several authors who passed through his hands.

b. Join a group writing class. There are also several writers group supporting their writers to finish manuscripts. If you are a Chrstian author, you are welcome to CLC Kenya’s group writing class. It’s 14 weeks of writing and most writers graduate with a publishable manuscript. The next intake is in December 2023 and you can learn more and register at CLC Kenya Group Writing Class 

In the writing class, you will get:

(i) Inspiration and Motivation

(ii) Honest feedback

(iii) Professional development

(iv) Accountability

(v) Emotional support

c. If you have a ready manuscript, you can join our hybrid publishing cohort starting in January 2023 – registration is ongoing. We have three types of publishing:

(i) Traditional Publishing where a publishing house invests financially into your book and pay you royalties, usually 5-12% but can go up to 25% (look out for call to submit in June 2023).

(ii) Self publishing where you manage the entire process – from hiring editors, proofreaders, designers etc (you start on this right away and get it done).

(iii) Hybrid Publishing where a publishing house like Christian Literature Communications (CLC) Kenya or a digital publishing platform manages the entire process for you ensuring all experts put in their weight to your book and you make the financial investment.

c. For pastors who have done sermon series, you can curate your sermons into a manuscript. It will need significant content development as talking (preaching) is very different from writing. In preaching, you have the advantage of your speech/words to emphasise your points. For your book to be great, that has to be translated on paper so the reader will get the same emphasis in your absence. If the sermons are in audio, we can transcribe them to text and clean it up to make a book. You can join our sermons2books 2023 program for pastors and Christan trainers.

d. For busy entrepreneurs and professionals with a great message and tight schedules, you can take advantage of Ghostwriters to develeop your book content. They will take your message and professionally develop it while maintaining your tone and voice.

For more information, contact Muthoni Mercy Omukhango or Jackline Ingasian Lukanu or view the possible options and pathways to getting published at CLC Kenya. 

Next, we will look at the Self Publishing.

Training by: Dr. Muthoni Mercy Omukhango

Publisher in Africa | National Director @CLC Kenya |Authors’ Manager @African Christian Authors Book Award-ACABA | Marketplace Minister | Patron at CLC Kids and Teens | Advancing God’s Kingdom through literature. 

Step1: Prepare Yourself to Get Published…

Are you ready to publish your book? Here is how you need to prepare. Have your manuscript ready and explore the oprions available today. If you are stuck in getting it started or finished, there is several ways to get help. Explore and get published today!

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Step2: Let’s Talk About Publishing

The self-publishing landscape has changed considerably in the past two decades with new technologies such as the Internet, and the $1 billion markets continuing to change at a rapid pace. Increasingly, there are numerous alternatives to traditional publishing, and self-publishing is becoming the first choice for writers.

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Step3: Factors to Consider Before Self Publishing

Jesus, while talking to the disciples about following Him, asked them to count the cost. The same Scripture applies to authors today - you have to count the cost from the beginning to ensure you don't stop at some point in your book project's journey.

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Step5: Publishing Steps – Review

Is your manuscript due for a review towards getting published? The major focus during manuscript review is the general quality of the book. It is important to establish the overall completeness, scope and readership of the manuscript and whether the presentation and accessibility of the book is suitable. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5a: How to Write a Book Dedication

A book dedication is a way for you, the author to bestow a high honor on a person (or a group of people) you wish to praise or otherwise spotlight. This dedication note is often short and usually focused on one person (or a specific group of people). It’s supposed to be personal, rather than professional. It goes on the dedication page, which is in the very front of the book, after the title page. Here's how to write one. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5b: How to Write a Book’s Foreword

A well-written foreword can function as the ultimate third-party recommendation or endorsement for your book, generating interest and helping when it’s time to market your book. Here are the benefits of forewords and a guide to writing one. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5c: How to Write a Book Introduction

Are you stuck on writing your book introduction? Here's how to... Hook the reader right from the beginning with a personal story from your life, a funny story, a joke, or just an interesting fact that causes him/her to want to continue reading. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5d: How to Write a Book’s Conclusion

If your readers are in the conclusion chapter, it also means they read the whole book, they liked it, and now they want you to wrap it up. So don’t rash it. Give them what they want. Here's how to write a good conclusion for your book. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5e: How to Write an Author’s Bio

People are looking for reasons why they should spend their time reading what you have written. You need to instill confidence in your readers that you are knowledgeable on the subject matter by writing an appropriate bio. Here's how to write one. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5f: How to Write a Book’s Blurb

A blurb is a short yet descriptive account of the book that goes on the back cover or within the book sleeve of a hardcover book. It includes any information that represents the book best and intrigues the readers and shoppers to pick the book off the shelves. Here's how to write one... #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5h: How to Write an Acknowledgment

An acknowledgment section in a book provides the space to go into lenghty details in thanking the people who were sources of inspiration and support for your book and life. Here'show to write one. #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5i: How to Write a Table of Contents

A table of content shows the things that are held or included in something. In the book industry, it is a list of the chapters or sections given at the front of a book or periodical. Here's how to write one... #RaisingAfricanVoices

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Step5j: Should a Non-Fiction Book Have a Subtitle?

A book’s subtitle is a secondary title that typically follows the main title and provides additional information about the book’s content, theme, or purpose.For example, in the book “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis, the subtitle is “The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond,” which gives potential readers a clearer idea of the subjects covered […]

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Step5k: Why Organising Your Non-Fiction Into Chapters Is Important

A book’s chapter is a distinct section within the book that focuses on a specific topic or aspect of the overall subject. Each chapter typically serves a unique purpose and contributes to the development of the book’s main theme or narrative. Here are some key characteristics of chapters: Organizes Content: Chapters help structure the book’s […]

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Step5l: Why Self-Edit Your Book Before Submitting it for Publishing?

Self-editing of creative books involves reviewing and revising your own manuscript to improve its clarity, coherence, and overall quality before submitting it for professional editing or publishing. This process is crucial for refining the content and ensuring that the book effectively communicates its message.Self-editing requires careful attention to detail and a critical eye to spot […]

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Step6c: How to Use Dialogue in Story Writing

Effective dialogue is characterized by authenticity, clarity, and relevance to the story. It should sound natural and believable, reflecting the unique voices and perspectives of the characters. Dialogue tags, such as "said," "asked," and "replied," help identify speakers and maintain clarity in conversations.

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