Concept Note – Mama Africa Book Box

REF: Mama Africa Book Box (MABB) Initiative by CLC Kenya Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, We are glad to extend to you an invitation of partnership towards impacting lives in our sphere through Christian literature. We recognize and appreciate the opportunity that exists to honour God by impacting young lives through […]

Step6c: How to Use Dialogue in Story Writing

Effective dialogue is characterized by authenticity, clarity, and relevance to the story. It should sound natural and believable, reflecting the unique voices and perspectives of the characters. Dialogue tags, such as “said,” “asked,” and “replied,” help identify speakers and maintain clarity in conversations.

Month 1: Training of Trainers Reflection and Application Tool for Healing Ministers

This Training of Trainers Reflection and Application Tool is designed to facilitate deep engagement and practical application of the teachings presented throughout the program. By reflecting on key concepts and actively applying them to their ministry practice, participants can enhance their effectiveness as healing ministers and deepen their connection to the divine healing streams. Week […]

Step 2-5: Have a Theme (the central message)

Think of the theme like the main lesson or idea in your story. It’s what you want your readers to remember after they finish reading. What’s the important message you want to share? It could be about being kind, working hard, or believing in yourself. Revisit the exercise in Unit One and rewrite the message […]