I Love The Theme For This Year’s ACABA Gala – Liz Patten

I love the theme for this year’s ACABA Gala – Unity of Purpose – with the aim for encouraging those authors among you to open markets for each other towards increasing your collective reach. This theme reminds me in the first instance of the Apostle Paul appealing to the Corinthian believers to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. You start with the spiritual quality of encouragement and then it will bear a practical fruit of action. What you should aim for is much more than a pat on the back more than a promise to pray for one another powerful as that is or even the strength of your words to each other important as those are your words may help to embolden and hearten each other today and on future occasions to fill each other with courage and strength of purpose to spur one another on. Promote and recommend one another to advance forward and further for Jesus’ sake. Look for ways to mentally spiritually and emotionally support one another.

Maybe you’re already thinking that it can be challenging enough to promote even your own book but let’s remember that Paul in Philippians 2:3 exhaled us to look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others. In our context today, there may be many creative ways in which you can do this: promote one another on your websites, book clubs, churches etc.

So, as the Lord has convened this third gala, in His grace I pray for divine connections and for creative inspiration from today’s theme as you share not only in the main sessions but also in the conversations as you interact with one another. God bless you!

Elizabeth Patten, UK

Regional Director for Africa, CLC International



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