I used to write as my therapy for dealing with my grief – Teteyian Nangurai

My writing journey began in 2016 after the loss of my husband. I used to write as my therapy for dealing with my grief. I mainly wrote on social media, and I described my journey as a cancer caregiver to my late husband and his death.

Each day I posted; my friends urged me to keep going as they were intrigued by my writing. Many said I should consider writing a book. But I never knew how or where to start from. Additionally, I was through a series of very many emotions and feelings all together. I never felt ready to write professionally.

In 2021, when it was my husband’s 5th memorial anniversary, I wondered which other way other than writing social media posts and tagging him on his page, would we remember him for a lifetime. So, I decided to build a community story-book library in his village. My reason was that he was a pioneer in education in his village and together we had envisioned building a good school so that the children there would have an opportunity they would otherwise not have. He however died before we could accomplish that dream. The library therefore felt as the best way to keep his legacy alive.

I therefore went back to my social media page on Facebook where I had gained some following and requested friends, family and well wishers to partner with me in monetary form as well as in kind donations to help set up the Library. A friend posted on her wall too and tagged Muthoni-National Director at CLC. She reached out to me and CLC Kenya donated to us the first set of books. They were 28 in total. From there, we became friends and occasionally she checked up on me. She also told me that she had been following my posts and when I was ready, she would help me write my story professionally.

I reached out to her early in this year and she informed that I could join the May writing class. I was then added to the Jasper class. I did not know what to expect but as time went by, I thoroughly enjoyed learning and gaining key skills of a good writer. I had many incredible moments, where I was amazed at how so much went into writing and how to capture readers attention. I found myself looking at books differently, as I was able to identify what we were taught in class and if it was present in the book I had. Though on some occasions, I found myself doubting my writing skills and if I had any content and I almost stopped writing. At some point, I got overwhelmed by life and finances and again I wanted to stop because I felt there was no point since I was miserable and stuck. On many occasions, I questioned God, and I felt my faith was always being put to test. Additionally, trying to balance work, life and writing was also a huge challenge. Fortunately, the class was online, and I was able to participate. Many times, I did the class while I was at work and, I did most of my writing in the mornings at work as this felt as the most serene place where the content flowed easily.  Throughout the class, I constantly felt the support and encouragement and love from Jacky and Muthoni. On days the journey did not make sense, they stood in the gap for me. I am glad our paths crossed with the CLC Kenya team. All through the years, I never felt ready to write but this time, I felt a nudge from within and I believe this was a call from God. I feel blessed and honored to have been part of this class and I cannot wait to see where the journey leads.

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  • Sebentile May 16, 2024

    Finding this has just reminded me that I have always longer to share my story to encourage people ….

    I heard about you through Khanyo Ndlela…the SA author.

    • CLC Kenya May 18, 2024

      Hi Sebentile,

      You can join the writing class that just started. Reach us on WhatsApp +254707463007 and e can guide further.

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