Prayer of Jabez over CLC Kenya By Liz Patten, CLC Africa Regional Director

A decade of ministry is certainly something to celebrate, to look back and give praise and thanks for what is past and, as the songwriter says, to “trust Him for all that’s to come”!

My first memory of visiting CLC Kenya, was being met at the airport by brother Lloyd Hodkinson in the late afternoon! We drove through extraordinary traffic (quite normal for Nairobi, I was to learn) to reach our accommodation. On that first visit (l believe it was in the last quarter of 2009), I was welcomed warmly by Edith Wamalwa, as well as by Patrick and Mercy, both single then! I do remember that they both seemed very busy – that has not changed! Of course, their “getting together” in holy matrimony was something very special on the CLC Kenya platform. I am not aware of any other couple who married in CLC Africa, and we give thanks to God for that union. Edith led admirably and held on when things were very tough.

But I am running ahead of myself now! A highlight was that in October 2010, CLC Kenya hosted the second Africa Regional Conference, at the Rosa Mystica guest house in Nairobi. Edith did a tremendous job of organizing everything and Patrick quietly served the group with humility, especially making sure that all the technology was up to performance level! And in 2013, Edith “did it again” when the international director of CLC chose Nairobi for the first regional directors’ meetings ever held in Africa. The International Office group was certainly not disappointed!

When Edith moved on to new pastures, I was thankful that Patrick agreed to answer the call to return to CLC. Later on, Mercy followed – it was very obvious that CLC had remained in her heart! They have been busy building up a new team for a new season and though there are many challenges to overcome, I see this new team having faith and working committedly, striving with excellence and vision to serve the LORD and the Kenyan community. May the LORD reward them beyond their wildest dreams.

My heartfelt thanks and appreciation go to each team member, past and present, who has contributed to the ministry in these past 10 years. That includes staff, and all Board members and (especially) founder members, without whom there would have been no ministry.

With regard to the next 10 years, I would like to pray the prayer of Jabez over CLC Kenya: May the LORD indeed bless you and enlarge your border, and may His hand be with you indeed! 1 Chronicles 4:10, ESV.

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