Vote of Thanks – 2023 ACABA Gala

Authors and Writers: We acknowledge your contributions to the field of Christian literature. Your creativity and imagination have enriched our lives by transporting us to different worlds and allowing us to experience spiritual nourishments.

Volunteers: We acknowledge volunteers for your selfless dedication and invaluable contributions to our organisation. Your unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of others is truly inspiring. Without your tireless efforts, we would not be able to achieve our mandate to impact lives with Christian literature.

Judges: Thank you for your time and expertise in evaluating the authors’ submissions. Your valuable insights play a crucial role in ensuring a fair and thorough assessment of the books submitted. Your feedback also empowers authors to improve their books’ presentation and packaging.

Planning Team and Committees: We thank the planning team that meets throughout the year to ensure the success of our the gala. Their dedication and hard work are truly commendable. Additionally, their expertise in coordinating logistics and managing resources has been instrumental in executing seamless and memorable experiences for all our attendees.

Intercessors: We appreciate our praying group for their unwavering dedication and commitment to praying on behalf of CLC Kenya/ACABA and all its stakeholders. Led by Brian Prince, their fervent weekly prayers have been instrumental in guiding us through challenging times and bringing about positive outcomes.

Partners and Service Providers: Partnerships and collaborations as crucial components of our success. These partnerships allow us to leverage the expertise and resources of other organisations, ultimately enabling us to achieve our goals more effectively.

Funders: We acknowledge our funders (both monetary and inkind) for their generous support and belief in our mission. Their contributions have been instrumental in enabling us to make a meaningful impact and reach our goals every year.

CLC International: We acknowledge our umbrella organisation, CLC International led by Gary Chamberlin, for providing us with valuable resources and support. Their extensive network allows us to collaborate with like-minded organisations and share best practices, ultimately strengthening our impact in the communities we serve.

CLC Missioners: We acknowledge our full-time missioners for their daily effort and dedication in carrying out the mission of our ministry. Their commitment to serving Christian authors and making a positive impact in the community is truly commendable. Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude for their unwavering passion and resilience, which inspires us all to strive for excellence in our work. May you hear Jesus saying, “Well done, you faithful servants!”

Golden Thanks To...

The Foundation USA, The Trust USA, Media Associates International USA and The CLC International Office UK that support and promote African Christian Authors (directly or indirectly). The authors’ work is particularly vital in advancing God’s Kingdom and amplifying marginalised voices within the Christian publishing community in Africa.

By supporting CLC Kenya/ACABA towards championing authors’ initiatives, these four organisations are helping create a more inclusive and representative literary canon that reflects the diversity of Christian experiences in the continent.

Their training as well as financial, moral and spiritual support not only encourage authors to continue sharing their stories but also inspire future generations of Christian writers to embrace their unique writing calling and make their voices heard – for God’s glory.

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