They say, “Men prefer working with things and women prefer working with people.” A male’s orientation toward life tends to be outward while a woman’s perspective tends to be more inwardly directed. It’s no doubt that the gender differences result in the difference in interests and preferences, therefore, qualifying the need to write targeted books for men and women to meet their specific needs.
It would be interesting to randomly separate the men from the women after a marrieds’ fellowship. I bet the women would immediately continue the debate on how the topic for discussion made them feel and how they can support each other on the journey of becoming great companions. The men on the other hand, would probably jump on a specific submission made and explore the possible solutions to the problem with no specific reference to individual feelings and sentiments.
Did they say, “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus?” Apparently, it is true! Given these insights, is there any wonder that men and women might prefer books of different genres? That said, I think that as long as people do not feel confined to any stereotype of what they should or should not be reading, and for all of the differences between the way men and women read, there are many similarities too. If the categorisation will help an ardent reader to select a book based on their gender then it is definitely worth the aggregation.
Pamela Babirukamu
Author, Beaten but not Crushed
Content of the Year, 2022 – Men & Women
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