I sacrificed most of my weekends with the determination of accomplishing the work – Dr. Naomy Olero

My name is Dr. Jebet Naomy Olero. I learnt of the writer’s class when I was nominated for the ACABA award, though I did not win It, I learnt a lot about CLC.I was enrolled in the Oriental Class with the intention of writing a book entitled The Assigned assignment though I had started working on the children hymns, I thought I could manage the two books amidst other commitments.The class started with the introduction and guidelines on how we we’re expected to execute the assignment within the 13 weeks. I figured out the amount of work and realised that I was not going to cope with the workload of the two books within the given period.I consulted with the CLC Team and we arrived at the consensus that I drop one. We agreed together that I can proceed with the hymnal which the Lord has instructed. At that time my colleagues were in chapter 3. So I had to really put a lot of effort in coming up with 100 Hymns which was my target.Though I had set my time well, 2 hours in the night and over the weekend, I realized that I could not fully adhere to my schedule. I could come home so exhausted from the office or from the fieldwork.This was also the most busy time at my work place when the project was finalising most of the tasks. It was so tough for me. As if that was not enough..I am a parent to a CBC grade two boy, and other home and church Responsibilities. It’s was not easy at all. But Philippians 3: 14 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me this scripture is so true, I trusted God for power to enable me accomplish the work and true to His Word, Jehovah is a faithful GodI worked so hard with the help of the Holy Spirit, sacrificed most of my weekends with the determination of accomplishing the work together with my colleagues.The greatest motivator was the availability of the songs to the children.I was looking forward to great time in the presence of God as we worship God together with the children through HymnsThe encouragement from CLC was so helpful and having someone holding my hand to the end was awesome. I bless God for the entire team. The support from the partners that resulted in subsidised fees made the course to be affordable. The flexibility of allowing us pay fees in installments was also a big relief to us.Long live CLC.

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