What looked like an uphill task became so doable because each week we had meetings with pointers on what to do next – Christina Mwaura

Engaging with the craft of writing has often felt like a solitary pursuit, weighed down by the burden of procrastination and self-doubt. But my journey is a testimony of the incredible power of community and structured guidance in overcoming these obstacles.

For more than a decade, the desire to write had been quietly growing inside me, nudging me towards creative expression. However, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a fellow group member’s published work and was introduced to CLC Kenya’s Group Writing Class through Jackline Ingasian.

I contacted her, telling her so many stories which she interjected and told me to join the class and make commitments. Long story short, the idea of writing became a reality, what looked like an uphill task became so doable because each week we had meetings, pointers what to do the next. You are never alone in CLC. You never feel overwhelmed. 

The steps towards realizing my writing dreams were now concrete. 

Under the supportive environment of CLC Kenya, what once seemed like an insurmountable challenge transformed into a series of achievable tasks. With weekly meetings, personalized feedback, and the fellowship of my peers, I found myself propelled forward on my writing journey with a newfound sense of accountability and momentum.

The beauty about being in a class, you push each other. You have peers, a tribe you belong so you challenge each other to complete in time. In this nurturing setting, the daunting task of crafting a manuscript became less intimidating as I experienced the invaluable synergy of collaboration and collective encouragement.

Through sharing ideas, giving and receiving peer reviews, and setting goals together, I not only felt supported but also inspired by the collective wisdom and shared ambition of my fellow writers.

Then the bit of proof reading each other’s work. Helps ensures your manuscript is thoroughly done.I would do this again and again. It really makes writing so much fun.

CLC provided more than just instruction; it created a sense of belonging to a creative tribe where everyone’s success was intertwined with the group’s collective triumph. The collaborative spirit within CLC not only alleviated the isolation often associated with writing but also infused the process with joy and fulfillment.

As I look back on my journey, it’s clear that CLC has not only equipped me with the tools and techniques to improve my writing but has also enriched my experience with a profound sense of community and purpose. 

The biggest blessing was learning from a team that understand the responsibility and spiritual pressures of Christian writing – Elizabeth Wanjiru

Joining the CLC Kenya’s Group Writing Class was the greatest investment I’ve ever made. I wouldn’t be celebrating this milestone of a finished manuscript without the support of CLC Kenya. The biggest blessing was learning from a team that understands the responsibility and spiritual pressures of Christian writing. It was not any writing process, but […]

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What looked like an uphill task became so doable because each week we had meetings with pointers on what to do next – Christina Mwaura

Engaging with the craft of writing has often felt like a solitary pursuit, weighed down by the burden of procrastination and self-doubt. But my journey is a testimony of the incredible power of community and structured guidance in overcoming these obstacles. For more than a decade, the desire to write had been quietly growing inside […]

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My writing journey has illuminated a profound passion within me that had long remained dormant – Delphine Tumusiime Mugisha

First and foremost, I express gratitude to God for the presence of friends like Pamela, whose introduction led me to discover the incredible ministry of CLC. Without her, I might never have stumbled upon this enriching opportunity. Embarking on my writing journey has illuminated a profound passion within me that had long remained dormant, awaiting […]

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It was a rewarding experience – Dr. Wilson Mbugua

I have had the desire to write a book on retirement planning for some time. I was not sure where to start or who was out there to genuinely assist me to fulfil my desire. I wanted to share the message with a wider audience on the importance of planning for lifestyle in retirement. The […]

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I am excited for the days ahead – Patricia Ahawo

In 2021, I made a conscious decision to go back to one of my favourite past times, which happens to be writing. I decided to intentionally rebuild the writing muscle that I had not exercised in a long time. It was not easy to start writing again; it took a lot of small starts, daily […]

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An Incredible Experience – Caroline Opiyo

My writing journey as a member of the Diamond Writing Class has been an incredible experience. When I first joined the program, I was eager to develop my writing skills and become a better writer. The classes were comprehensive and engaging. They covered various aspects of writing such as grammar, syntax, style, just to mention […]

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