It was a rewarding experience – Dr. Wilson Mbugua

I have had the desire to write a book on retirement planning for some time. I was not sure where to start or who was out there to genuinely assist me to fulfil my desire. I wanted to share the message with a wider audience on the importance of planning for lifestyle in retirement. The message was urgent and critical. I met an author during a couples retreat and he invited me to attend the Christian Literature Communications (CLC), African Christian Authors Book Award (ACABA) ceremony last year. The ceremony was great, and I met many authors and the wonderful CLC team. I got information about the writing class which I joined in January 2023 to start my writing journey. I was looking for a different experience in authoring a book since when I authored my first book, “The NSE Prophecy”, back in 2015 all did not go well.

I admit that when I joined the class and started the writing journey, I knew this was going to be a different and rewarding experience. The CLC team kept us focused on the writing ensuring that we made progress. The classes on Friday evenings were a must-attend. Homework had to be done, excuses were not allowed. Two weeks into the class, we had started writing our manuscript and there was no turning back. The information shared during each class helped me to keep writing and I gained confidence that the goal of writing a book was achievable. The CLC team was friendly and professional. I embraced the feedback provided on my manuscript by the CLC team and fellow writers. I used the feedback to improve my manuscript.  As I graduate from the writing class, I look forward to the publishing class so that I can accomplish my desire of getting the book to my global audience.

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